Easy way of life that has been heard in a near-death experience, returned to heaven and happy in the world

臨死体験で聞いてきた内容をお伝えします! I will tell you what I have heard from the guardian spirit in a near-death experience! 我将告诉你我在近乎死亡的经历中从守护精神中听到了什么!


守護霊に聞いてみた! 守護霊が一番伝えたいこと「あの世はある!」

あの世はある 天国と地獄に分かれている 死ぬのが問題じゃない! 天国に還れないのが問題! 天国へ還るための方法 いい気分 死んだことに気づく 肉体から抜け出す お迎えについていく 知っとくことが大事! あの世はある なにか伝えたいことはありますか? …

生命は永遠 Life is eternal 生命是永恒的

人間の魂は永遠 Life is eternal 生命是永恒的 生命は永遠 Life is eternal What does today's theme mean? Humans are not the end when they die.That heart returns to the post-mortem world.According to the vibration of the heart, they are drawn t…

12「本当の先祖供養 お墓や仏壇の意味とは?!」

前回 パート 11↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 本当の先祖供養 お墓や仏壇の意味とは?! 先祖供養の意味は? 本当の先祖供養 お墓や仏壇の意味とは?! 死んだらどうすればいいの? 残された側はどうすればいいの? お墓や仏壇にはどんな意味があるのか? ポイ…

11「死ぬまでにやっておきたいこと! 本当の意味での「終活」とは?!」

前回 パート⑩↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 死ぬまでにやっておきたいこと! 本当の意味での「終活」とは?! 本当に大切な終活ってなに? 死ぬまでにやっておきたいこと! 本当の意味での「終活」とは?! 地獄に堕ちないためには 引き寄せの法則って何? 天国…


前回 パート⑨↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 自殺は絶対にダメ! 自殺は絶対にダメ! 自殺は絶対にダメ! あめのもりみたまの話を整理してみましょう。 ポイント④:自殺者は、自分が死んだことに気づくまで何十年も自殺を繰りかえし、死んだことに気づいたら「感…


前回 パート⑧↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 幽霊ってなんなの? 幽霊は本当にいる 幽霊ってなんなの? 心霊動画、心霊写真、オーブ、ラップ音、ポルターガイストについて ポイント③:幽霊は死んだことに気づいてない人かこの世に未練のある人 このときに、幽霊…

8「人は死んだらどうなるの? 地獄と幽霊の話」

前回 パート⑦↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 人は死んだらどうなるの? 地獄と幽霊の話 地獄は存在する 人は死んだらどうなるの? 地獄と幽霊の話 ポイント②:天国と地獄は「引き寄せの法則」でできている どうしても地上に戻りたくなかった私は、あめのもりみた…


前回 パート⑥↓ahsakasa.hatenablog.com あの世とこの世がある理由 美しい景色が広がる天国 あの世とこの世がある理由 ポイント①:天国はすべてが満たされた世界 空を飛びながら、天国の世界を見物します。あの世とこの世の仕組みについて、あめのもりみたま…


前回 パート⑤↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com ここからは、実際にその時のやり取りを再現したいと思います。 黄金の雲海 ここはどこ?!すごく気持ちいいなぁ。もうここから一歩も動きたくない。 そう思っていると、寝そべっている頭の上に何人かの人が立つのがわ…

5「他人事じゃない?! 臨死体験は夢なのか?!」

前回 パート④↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 臨死体験ってなに? 夢とは違うの? 脳外科医のエベン医師は臨死体験を科学的に検証した 臨死体験とは、あの世の世界を見て戻ってくるという不思議な現象です。 ただ、心停止をしたあと、回復した人の18%もの人が臨死…

2「臨死体験?! あなたにも必ず訪れる死後の世界とは?!」

パート①↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 臨死体験とは? 臨死体験 臨死体験ゆーのは、死にそうになって「あの世」の世界を体験してくるっちゅう不思議な現象のことや。 それって夢見てるだけでしょ! それがそうでもないねん。たしかに、側頭葉の一部に電気刺激を…

失敗こそ宝となる Failure is a treasure 失败是宝

失敗を恐れるな! Failure is a treasure 失败是宝 失敗こそ宝となる Failure is a treasure What does today's theme mean? In the heavenly world, there is only "success".All souls live in "success".In that sense, we can say that we have come to …

Success in this world does not mean that you can return to heaven

天国と地獄を分けるのは「幸せ」 Success in this world does not mean that you can return to heaven 这个世界上的成功并不意味着你可以重返天堂 この世で成功しても、天国に還れるとは限らない Success in this world does not mean that you can return …

3-1「守護霊と会話することはできるのか? その方法も引き寄せの法則だった!」

前回 パート2-10↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 第二章はこちらから↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 第一章はこちらから↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 守護霊と話すことができるって本当?! 守護霊と会話することはできるのか? その方法も引き寄せの法則だった! 守護…

 There is a world after death

There is a world after death 死后有一个世界 死後の世界は存在する There is a world after death What does today's theme mean? When people die, everything isn't over.People have died, but souls remain, as people have said in the world since a…

If you live bad, you will go to hell

What does today's theme mean? No matter how successful, if it doesn't please the people, you will unfortunately fall into hell. Why?If I am happy, will I be drawn to a happy world? That's right.Even if you succeed in doing wrong and preten…

Change common sense

What does today's theme mean? First, the world was created by the Creator.And there is a world after death, and human beings are reborn many times.Every space is made up of the Law of Attraction, and every time is a chain of cause and effe…

Unfortunately, hell also exists

What does today's theme mean? "Hell" also exists in the afterlife.This is based on the law of attraction.Even if unfortunate people die, only unfortunate people gather together to form an unfortunate world.In order not to go to hell, you m…

People are born to create happiness

What does today's theme mean? What are people born for?Why are there suffering and sorrow?In heaven, there is only happiness.People are born from the world of happiness.If you do nothing, sadness and suffering will occur in this world.We a…

Heaven and hell are based on the law of attraction

What does today's theme mean? The postmortem world is 100% "rule of attraction".Happy souls attract each other to form a happy world, and unhappy souls gather to form an unhappy world.That is why it is of utmost importance to stay happy wh…

"How you feel" is the most important

What does today's theme mean? Humans have only hearts when they die.The world you atract to depends on what your heart is feeling.If you feel bad, you atract to the bad world, and if you feel good, you atract to the good world.It is import…

Remember yourself when you were in heaven

What does today's theme mean? I think there are many people who are not confident in themselves. Me too. Meditation is what I would recommend to those people.Remember yourself when you were in heaven by meditating.Heaven is a world without…

Self-reflection is knowing your true self

What does today's theme mean? When everyone "self-reflection", some people become self-deprecating.But the real self-reflection is the discovery of the true self.Discover your pure and innocent yourself when you were in heaven.Living the r…

Human essence is heart

What does today's theme mean? The essence of man is not the gene or the brain, but the "heart". It is "soul".This "heart" remains forever, even if the body is destroyed.That is why please be a "happy heart".Wouldn't you like to have an "un…

Heaven and hell are clearly separated by the law of attraction

What does today's theme mean? Everything is made up of the Law of Attraction.Happy souls are drawn to the happy world, unhappy souls are drawn to the unhappy world.It is important to live with a good mood. 吸引力定律清楚地将天堂和地狱分开 …

A way of life that does not fall into hell is more important~spend a good mood~

Hell is a world that is not reasonable. what do you mean? Hmmm, it ’s a really painful world.It ’s 1000 times more painful than this world. Isn't it so hard? No,it isn't.Moreover, When you die, what you were thinking about tends to be ampl…

What is a guardian spirit?~The guardian spirit is a private tutor~

What is a guardian spirit?An ancestral spirit or an old pet spirit? No.That is the spirit that has a connection with the person. So what is the guardian spirit? The guardian spirit is a private tutor.They always have various experiences to…

Is this world a coincidence product? ~There is a great will that created the world~

Is there God? There is a great will called God, who created the world. If there is God, why are there sorrows and sufferings in this world?I wish he hadn't to make something like that. That is heaven.There is actually such a “world without…

What you can do for those who died~If you are too sad, the deceased cannot return to heaven~

What should the survivors do for the deceased? Don't be sad because the deceased will be hard to return if you are sad.Those who return to heaven will never be interested in this world.So do n’t worry, it ’s important that we live in this …

The first thing to do after death~Thinking about getting out of the body and returning to the afterlife~

What should I do if I die? If you die, you must first get out of the body.It is important to “think” to escape. It takes about 2 days for a normal person.After that, you will be picked up. It is important to believe in that person and retu…