Easy way of life that has been heard in a near-death experience, returned to heaven and happy in the world

臨死体験で聞いてきた内容をお伝えします! I will tell you what I have heard from the guardian spirit in a near-death experience! 我将告诉你我在近乎死亡的经历中从守护精神中听到了什么!


「できない」とあなたがそう思っているだけ You just think you can't 你只是认为你做不到

自分で自分を縛るな You just think you can't 你只是认为你做不到 「できない」とあなたがそう思っているだけ You just think you can't What does today's theme mean? "It looks a bit impossible""I can't do it.""Absolutely impossible"That's all you…

スピードとクオリティ Speed and quality 速度与品质

スピードとクオリティの両立 Speed and quality 速度与品质 スピードとクオリティ Speed and quality What does today's theme mean? Do not live your daily life somehow.Every day, I have to keep thinking "how I can do it faster" and "how I can imp…

時間の価値は同じではない The value of time is different 时间的价值是不同的

同じ時間でも生み出せる価値は違う The value of time is different 时间的价值是不同的 時間の価値は同じではない The value of time is different What does today's theme mean? If the hourly wage is 1000 yen, you can get 1000 yen if you work for o…

Change common sense

What does today's theme mean? First, the world was created by the Creator.And there is a world after death, and human beings are reborn many times.Every space is made up of the Law of Attraction, and every time is a chain of cause and effe…

Have time for silence and make silence a habit

What does today's theme mean? Happiness is as close to "silence" as possible.So, turn off your smartphone, TV, and PC and make it a habit to “silence”. 保持片刻的沉默,养成“沉默”的习惯 今天的主题是什么意思? 幸福和沉默尽可能接近。因此,请…

Live for something really important

What does today's theme mean? Life goes by in an instant.Everyone doesn't think so when they were young, but when they get older they will feel "in a moment."As long as you live in such a limited time, it is a waste of time to spend time o…

Time is not the same

What does today's theme mean? There is the word "hourly wage".But are there any differences in the work that can actually be done in one hour? I agree.It will be different for me and the teacher, and it will be different for professionals …