Easy way of life that has been heard in a near-death experience, returned to heaven and happy in the world

臨死体験で聞いてきた内容をお伝えします! I will tell you what I have heard from the guardian spirit in a near-death experience! 我将告诉你我在近乎死亡的经历中从守护精神中听到了什么!


祈りの法則 Prayer law 祷告法

祈りを叶える方法 Prayer law 祷告法 祈りの法則 Prayer law What does today's theme mean? There are certain laws to fulfill prayers.That is the "law of attraction".Even if you pray that you want to be happy with an "unhappy heart", we cannot …

11「死ぬまでにやっておきたいこと! 本当の意味での「終活」とは?!」

前回 パート⑩↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 死ぬまでにやっておきたいこと! 本当の意味での「終活」とは?! 本当に大切な終活ってなに? 死ぬまでにやっておきたいこと! 本当の意味での「終活」とは?! 地獄に堕ちないためには 引き寄せの法則って何? 天国…


コロナウィルスの早期収束を祈りましょう Pray 祈祷 祈れ Pray What does the extra theme mean? Earthquake, tsunami, terrorism, conflict, war, coronavirus.No matter how much science advances, no matter how much civilization advances, there are …

God exists

God exists 上帝存在 神は存在している God exists What does today's theme mean? Have you made a plastic model? Not. Even if you buy a plastic model, it will not be completed if you do not make it, right? That's right. However, there are only…

We are allowed to live by great power

We are allowed to live by great power 我们被允许以强大的力量生活 私たちは生かされている We are allowed to live by great power What does today's theme mean? We are not “living on our own power”.We are "allowed to live in great power."Being …


今日のテーマはどういう意味ですか? 「誰も見ていないからいいや」と思わないこと。神様はいつも見てんねんで。その結果が天国と地獄を分けることになるんやで。 God is always watching What does today's theme mean? Don't think, "Nobody's looking at …

You are forgiven

What does today's theme mean? Don't blame yourself.You are forgiven.The proof is that you are alive.We are allowed to live.People are precious just to live.Just because you are, everyone can tell you thank you. 你被原谅了 今天的主题是什么…

Change common sense

What does today's theme mean? First, the world was created by the Creator.And there is a world after death, and human beings are reborn many times.Every space is made up of the Law of Attraction, and every time is a chain of cause and effe…

You ask, "What should I do?" But rather, "What do you want to do?"

What does today's theme mean? God doesn't tell what you should do.The question is what you want to do.If it is in line with God's heart, we will go well. 您问:“我该怎么办?” 而是,“您想做什么?” 今天的主题是什么意思? 上帝不告诉你应该做什…

Every result has a cause

What does today's theme mean? There is no "accident" in this world, but there is always a "cause".The fact that you are present is not a coincidence, but a necessity.If you follow the cause, you will come to the cause that created the univ…

God is not proved, but is felt

What does today's theme mean? God is not as scientifically proven as the mathematical formula.That is what you "feel" in that "heart".And once you "feel" it, it becomes "natural". 上帝没有被证明,但内心感到 今天的主题是什么意思? 与数学公…

Without faith and enlightenment, you cannot go to heaven

What does today's theme mean? It is important to know that our world was created by the Creator.Buddha, Jesus, and even Mahomet are just energies created by the Creator.First of all, accept the existence of this "creator".That is enlighten…

God is alive

Is there a god? is. can not believe. So how do you think the universe, the earth and the creatures were born? There was a big bang, dust and gas gathered to form stars, microorganisms were born and evolved ... So, if you have "materials", …

Is this world a coincidence product? ~There is a great will that created the world~

Is there God? There is a great will called God, who created the world. If there is God, why are there sorrows and sufferings in this world?I wish he hadn't to make something like that. That is heaven.There is actually such a “world without…