Easy way of life that has been heard in a near-death experience, returned to heaven and happy in the world

臨死体験で聞いてきた内容をお伝えします! I will tell you what I have heard from the guardian spirit in a near-death experience! 我将告诉你我在近乎死亡的经历中从守护精神中听到了什么!


人間に与えられた二つの幸福 Two happiness given to humans 给人类的两种幸福

感謝と努力 Two happiness given to humans 给人类的两种幸福 人間に与えられた二つの幸福 Two happiness given to humans What does today's theme mean? In heaven, "how much you can be grateful" is a great happiness.If you complain about something…

失敗こそ宝となる Failure is a treasure 失败是宝

失敗を恐れるな! Failure is a treasure 失败是宝 失敗こそ宝となる Failure is a treasure What does today's theme mean? In the heavenly world, there is only "success".All souls live in "success".In that sense, we can say that we have come to …

What do you really want to do?

自分の設計図を描く What do you really want to do? 你到底想干什么? あなたが本当にしたいことは何か? What do you really want to do? What does today's theme mean? You need a blueprint to make something, right? I agree. A blueprint cannot be …

Success in this world does not mean that you can return to heaven

天国と地獄を分けるのは「幸せ」 Success in this world does not mean that you can return to heaven 这个世界上的成功并不意味着你可以重返天堂 この世で成功しても、天国に還れるとは限らない Success in this world does not mean that you can return …

Accept the truth without lying

真実は変えられない Accept the truth without lying 接受事实而不说谎 嘘をつかず、真実を受け入れる Accept the truth without lying What does today's theme mean? Unfortunately, the truth cannot be changed.No matter how much you deny or refuse, …

It starts with thinking

It starts with thinking 它始于思考 考えることからはじまる It starts with thinking What does today's theme mean? If you think you ca n’t do this, you ca n’t do it 100%.But when I think of "What should I do?", Sometimes I can find a way.Ever…


コロナウィルスの早期収束を祈りましょう Pray 祈祷 祈れ Pray What does the extra theme mean? Earthquake, tsunami, terrorism, conflict, war, coronavirus.No matter how much science advances, no matter how much civilization advances, there are …

Do what you have to do

できることはする Do what you have to do 做你必须做的 するべきことをする Do what you have to do What does today's theme mean? Worried people often don't do what they need to do.For example, in an extreme case, you might fear a thief without…

Clean up one by one

悩みを書き出す Clean up one by one 一一清理 一つひとつ片づけていく Clean up one by one What does today's theme mean? When you have a problem, your head is a mess.Organize your mind and clear up the problems one by one.First, write down you…

What to keep thinking

思いが価値を決める What to keep thinking 继续思考什么 何を思いつづけるか What to keep thinking What does today's theme mean? What do you normally think about? Hmm, I'm hungry? The value of human beings depends on "what you usually think ab…

Think how to do it

ひらめくまで考える! Think how to do it 想想怎么做 どうすればできるかを考える Think how to do it What does today's theme mean? Don't say "I can't do that".Think about how you can do it, and there's nothing you can't do.Let's think about it…

Do not deny everything, do not affirm all, seek the truth

すべてを否定せず、すべてを肯定せず Do not deny everything, do not affirm all, seek the truth 不要否认一切,不要肯定一切,寻求真相 すべてを否定せず、すべてを肯定せず、真実を模索する Do not deny everything, do not affirm all, seek the truth …

Have a wide field of view and check closely

広い視野と細かな確認 Have a wide field of view and check closely 视野开阔并仔细检查 広い視野を持ち、緻密に確認する Have a wide field of view and check closely What does today's theme mean? Don't make it easy.Don't ask one person's opinion …

The meaning of this world

この世は魂の学校 The meaning of this world 这个世界的意义 この世界の意味 The meaning of this world What does today's theme mean? Even if a person dies, the soul remains.But that doesn't mean you can kill him just because he dies and his so…

Do not stop until you are satisfied

納得するまでやる Do not stop until you are satisfied 在满意之前不要停止 納得するまでやめるな Do not stop until you are satisfied What does today's theme mean? Nothing can be truly learned until you are satisfied with it.If you don't do it …

Life is full of miracles

世界は奇跡で満ちている! Life is full of miracles 生活充满了奇迹 人生は奇跡に満ちている Life is full of miracles What does today's theme mean? What you take for granted is not for granted.Morning comes every day.Every morning you wake up.B…

Do not neglect basic training

基礎訓練を習慣にする Do not neglect basic training 不要忽视基础训练 基本的な訓練を怠るな Do not neglect basic training What does today's theme mean? The only way to get things done is to make them a habit.Don't neglect the basics and keep …

 There is a world after death

There is a world after death 死后有一个世界 死後の世界は存在する There is a world after death What does today's theme mean? When people die, everything isn't over.People have died, but souls remain, as people have said in the world since a…

God exists

God exists 上帝存在 神は存在している God exists What does today's theme mean? Have you made a plastic model? Not. Even if you buy a plastic model, it will not be completed if you do not make it, right? That's right. However, there are only…

We are allowed to live by great power

We are allowed to live by great power 我们被允许以强大的力量生活 私たちは生かされている We are allowed to live by great power What does today's theme mean? We are not “living on our own power”.We are "allowed to live in great power."Being …

Draw your ideal self concretely

理想の自分を具体的に描け Draw your ideal self concretely 具体地画出你的理想自我 理想の自分を具体的に描け Draw your ideal self concretely What does today's theme mean? Draw a concrete image of what you want to be.If you don't, you won't be …


今日のテーマはどういう意味ですか? 「誰も見ていないからいいや」と思わないこと。神様はいつも見てんねんで。その結果が天国と地獄を分けることになるんやで。 God is always watching What does today's theme mean? Don't think, "Nobody's looking at …


今日のテーマはどういう意味ですか? それがいくら不都合であっても、真実を変えることはできひんねん。受け入れるしかないねん。受け入れるしかないのなら、早い方がいいやろ? Can't change the truth What does today's theme mean? No matter how inconv…


今日のテーマはどういう意味ですか? 「良薬は口に苦し」って聞いたことある?苦しみや悲しみ、悩みは、自分が成長するために、もっとも良い薬であるということなんやで。 Turn hardship into positive What does today's theme mean? It is said that good …

If you live bad, you will go to hell

What does today's theme mean? No matter how successful, if it doesn't please the people, you will unfortunately fall into hell. Why?If I am happy, will I be drawn to a happy world? That's right.Even if you succeed in doing wrong and preten…

Possibility disappears when we assume and decide

What does today's theme mean? If you decide "this is this kind of thing" or "this person is this kind of person", you lose other possibilities.It is important to accept the fact that people and the world are constantly changing, and to thi…

You can be yourself as you expected

What does today's theme mean? People often suppress their own abilities.But there is really no limit, and you can be yourself as you thought.Discard the belief that you are such a person.And believing, "I can be the person I want." 您可以…

Do not lose ambition

What does today's theme mean? Human beings are coming to this world for training.In other words, we are born to study and grow. What are we learning and how do we grow? We are learning happiness."Growing" is to be able to create more "happ…

You can't be happy if you blame people or the environment

What does today's theme mean? The cause of your unhappiness is not the fault of anyone or the environment.If you do not notice it, you cannot be happy.Happiness is like discovering.It is important to discover happiness from the environment…

You are forgiven

What does today's theme mean? Don't blame yourself.You are forgiven.The proof is that you are alive.We are allowed to live.People are precious just to live.Just because you are, everyone can tell you thank you. 你被原谅了 今天的主题是什么…