あの世はある 天国と地獄に分かれている 死ぬのが問題じゃない! 天国に還れないのが問題! 天国へ還るための方法 いい気分 死んだことに気づく 肉体から抜け出す お迎えについていく 知っとくことが大事! あの世はある なにか伝えたいことはありますか? …
前回 パート⑦↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 人は死んだらどうなるの? 地獄と幽霊の話 地獄は存在する 人は死んだらどうなるの? 地獄と幽霊の話 ポイント②:天国と地獄は「引き寄せの法則」でできている どうしても地上に戻りたくなかった私は、あめのもりみた…
天国と地獄を分けるのは「幸せ」 Success in this world does not mean that you can return to heaven 这个世界上的成功并不意味着你可以重返天堂 この世で成功しても、天国に還れるとは限らない Success in this world does not mean that you can return …
There is a world after death 死后有一个世界 死後の世界は存在する There is a world after death What does today's theme mean? When people die, everything isn't over.People have died, but souls remain, as people have said in the world since a…
What does today's theme mean? No matter how successful, if it doesn't please the people, you will unfortunately fall into hell. Why?If I am happy, will I be drawn to a happy world? That's right.Even if you succeed in doing wrong and preten…
What does today's theme mean? "Hell" also exists in the afterlife.This is based on the law of attraction.Even if unfortunate people die, only unfortunate people gather together to form an unfortunate world.In order not to go to hell, you m…
What does today's theme mean? Everything is made up of the Law of Attraction.Happy souls are drawn to the happy world, unhappy souls are drawn to the unhappy world.It is important to live with a good mood. 吸引力定律清楚地将天堂和地狱分开 …
Hell is a world that is not reasonable. what do you mean? Hmmm, it ’s a really painful world.It ’s 1000 times more painful than this world. Isn't it so hard? No,it isn't.Moreover, When you die, what you were thinking about tends to be ampl…