Easy way of life that has been heard in a near-death experience, returned to heaven and happy in the world

臨死体験で聞いてきた内容をお伝えします! I will tell you what I have heard from the guardian spirit in a near-death experience! 我将告诉你我在近乎死亡的经历中从守护精神中听到了什么!



愚痴はゴミをまく行為 愚痴は、ゴミをまく行為。感謝は、宝をまく行為 今日のテーマはどういう意味ですか? たまに愚痴を聞いてもらうのは「あたりまえのこと」だと思ってへん? 「愚痴くらい聞いてよ!」って思います。 愚痴は「ゴミをまくのと同じ」なんや…

祈りの法則 Prayer law 祷告法

祈りを叶える方法 Prayer law 祷告法 祈りの法則 Prayer law What does today's theme mean? There are certain laws to fulfill prayers.That is the "law of attraction".Even if you pray that you want to be happy with an "unhappy heart", we cannot …

生命は永遠 Life is eternal 生命是永恒的

人間の魂は永遠 Life is eternal 生命是永恒的 生命は永遠 Life is eternal What does today's theme mean? Humans are not the end when they die.That heart returns to the post-mortem world.According to the vibration of the heart, they are drawn t…

小春日和のような人になる Become a person li ke "Koharu Biyori" 成为像”小春日和”那样的人

「あなたがいてくれてよかった」と言われる人を目指す Become a person like "Koharu Biyori" 成为像”小春日和”那样的人 小春日和のような人になる Become a person like "Koharu Biyori" What does today's theme mean? It's about being the kind of perso…

学んだことは実践する Practice what you learn 练习你学到的东西

学んだら実践する Practice what you learn 练习你学到的东西 学んだことは実践する Practice what you learn What does today's theme mean? For example, if you study English, it makes no sense unless you speak it.That's it.After learning everythi…

試行錯誤を恐れるな Don't be afraid of trial and error 不要害怕反复试验

混乱は成長のあかし Don't be afraid of trial and error 不要害怕反复试验 試行錯誤を恐れるな Don't be afraid of trial and error What does today's theme mean? If you keep studying, will your head get confused? Yes.At that time, I don't even kn…