Easy way of life that has been heard in a near-death experience, returned to heaven and happy in the world

臨死体験で聞いてきた内容をお伝えします! I will tell you what I have heard from the guardian spirit in a near-death experience! 我将告诉你我在近乎死亡的经历中从守护精神中听到了什么!



前回↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 健康に関する悩みも上位に複数ランクイン 健康の悩みを解決する方法は? 栄養のバランス、休養のバランス、運動のバランスとストレスのコントロール 「心」が滞っている ずっと気になっていることを徹底的に書き出せ! すっき…


前回↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 「生きがいが見つからない」という悩みも上位に複数ランクイン 「生きがいが見つからない」ことの悩みを解決する方法は? 自分のために生きるのをやめること 天職を呼ぶ方法 好きなことを仕事にするのはいけないこと? 「よか…


人間関係の悩みが40位までに7つもランクイン 人間関係の悩みを解決する方法は? ポイント整理 人間関係の悩みが40位までに7つもランクイン 前回はお金の悩みでした。今回は人間関係の悩みについて守護霊に聞いていただけますか。 はい。人間関係の悩みには、…


悩みランキング あきらめる お金を安心させるために自分が安心する お金の悩み 三つのポイント お金の使い方 お金に対して誠実で真剣であること 今回は、2020年に女性向けにアンケート調査された「悩みランキング」の中から、順番に守護霊に解決方法を相談し…

見たときがタイミング! あなたの守護霊があなたに伝えたい事を自分の守護霊に聞いてみた!

あなたの守護霊からメッセージが届いています だいじょうぶ! 自分を責めないで 目の前の出来事には意味がある 求めるだけのことをしてきたか? いつも、あなたのそばにいる 幸せを生み出す方法 目の前の問題の解決方法は? あなたの守護霊からメッセージが…

試行錯誤を恐れるな Don't be afraid of trial and error 不要害怕反复试验

混乱は成長のあかし Don't be afraid of trial and error 不要害怕反复试验 試行錯誤を恐れるな Don't be afraid of trial and error What does today's theme mean? If you keep studying, will your head get confused? Yes.At that time, I don't even kn…

明日のことを心配するくらいなら、今日するべきことをすれば? What to do today, rather than worry about tomorrow? 今天要做什么,而不用担心明天?

人生は今日の積み重ね What to do today, rather than worry about tomorrow? 今天要做什么,而不用担心明天? 明日のことを心配するくらいなら、今日するべきことをすれば? What to do today, rather than worry about tomorrow? What does today's theme …

見栄を張るな Don't try to get the envy of others 不要试图让别人羡慕

ありのままでいい Don't try to get the envy of others 不要试图让别人羡慕 見栄を張るな Don't try to get the envy of others What does today's theme mean? No matter how you dress up, you will not change.Show your true self.It doesn't make any …

その悩みを解決する力は、あなた自身が持っている You have the power to solve the problem 您有能力解决问题

すべての問題は自分で解決できるようになっている You have the power to solve the problem 您有能力解决问题 その悩みを解決する力は、あなた自身が持っている You have the power to solve the problem What does today's theme mean? The answer to your…

Do what you have to do

できることはする Do what you have to do 做你必须做的 するべきことをする Do what you have to do What does today's theme mean? Worried people often don't do what they need to do.For example, in an extreme case, you might fear a thief without…

Clean up one by one

悩みを書き出す Clean up one by one 一一清理 一つひとつ片づけていく Clean up one by one What does today's theme mean? When you have a problem, your head is a mess.Organize your mind and clear up the problems one by one.First, write down you…


前回 パート2-9↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 人生は、できることだけすればいい! できることだけすればいい ポイント①:できることをする 頑張ればできることにはチャレンジし続ける ポイント②:チャレンジはし続ける できないこと、できなかったことは神様に…


前回 パート2-8↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 気の合う人と付き合おう 付き合うのは「気の合う人」だけでいい?! ポイント①:人付き合いは気の合う人とだけでいい 人と付き合うとは、相手を幸せにするということ ポイント②:人付き合いは「相手をいい気分にす…

Do not neglect basic training

基礎訓練を習慣にする Do not neglect basic training 不要忽视基础训练 基本的な訓練を怠るな Do not neglect basic training What does today's theme mean? The only way to get things done is to make them a habit.Don't neglect the basics and keep …


今日のテーマはどういう意味ですか? それがいくら不都合であっても、真実を変えることはできひんねん。受け入れるしかないねん。受け入れるしかないのなら、早い方がいいやろ? Can't change the truth What does today's theme mean? No matter how inconv…


今日のテーマはどういう意味ですか? 「良薬は口に苦し」って聞いたことある?苦しみや悲しみ、悩みは、自分が成長するために、もっとも良い薬であるということなんやで。 Turn hardship into positive What does today's theme mean? It is said that good …

You are forgiven

What does today's theme mean? Don't blame yourself.You are forgiven.The proof is that you are alive.We are allowed to live.People are precious just to live.Just because you are, everyone can tell you thank you. 你被原谅了 今天的主题是什么…

Sometimes, think about the world

What does today's theme mean? If you have a problem, you only think about the problem.Therefore, it is important to occasionally broaden your horizons and look at what is happening in the world.What can you do for the world?From there, you…

  Just keep going

What does today's theme mean? "Continuation is power."No matter how hard it is now, just continue to do what you believe is right.Please continue.The way is always open. 继续做 今天的主题是什么意思? “持续就是力量。”不管现在有多困难,只要…

Stop getting lost and return to the origin

What does today's theme mean? As you work hard with your goals, you may gradually lose track of what the effort was for.The effort itself, which should have been the means for the goal, becomes the goal.In that case, it is time to return t…

Give rather than ask

What does today's theme mean? People who are in trouble usually think, "I want somebody to help."However, even if you are in trouble, if you think "I will solve somebody's troubles," your troubles will disappear. 给予而不是接受 今天的主题…

First let's make an intention

What does today's theme mean? Everything doesn't start without the "intention" to do it.So the first thing is to "intention"to do it.Those who lament that they cannot do it, first "intention" and "will".From there, big things begin. 首先让…

Don't lose your disappointment

What does today's theme mean? Sometimes working hard doesn't work.Sometimes it's just unreasonable.Sometimes it pulls things you don't like.Still, do not lose your disappointment.At that time, you are the most shining. 不要失望 今天的主题…

There is always someone who needs you

What does today's theme mean? If your work or life goes wrong, you may think "I am not needed by anyone."But there are always people who need you.You are the person who is needed by someone. 总有人需要你 今天的主题是什么意思? 如果您的工作…

Your abilities are endless

What does today's theme mean? People limit their abilities by themselves.He decides that he has only this ability, and he will not try any more.However, in fact, your abilities are endless.Nothing is impossible if you care. 你的能力是无止…

Worry is not easily resolved

What does today's theme mean? Unfortunately, There is no "worries suddenly disappear" in this world.It gets better little by little. That's really disappointing news. But as you work harder and harder, things can improve dramatically over …

Love is giving

What does today's theme mean? To love is toI want the other person to love me,I want the other person to make me happy,I want the other person to look only at me,It is not such a thing.It is a heart to rob.Love is praying for the happiness…

Write down your worries

What does today's theme mean? Don't worry about it, write your worries.Write everything out until you say, "I can't write any more!"Then prioritize.Then, divide what you can and cannot do.Then you can clearly see what your priority is and …

Realize what is being given

What does today's theme mean? Happiness is not something that will come one day.Happiness if the disease is cured?Are you happy if you have a lot of money?Happy if you can get married?Happy if the job goes well?It's not.Now, when you reali…

Don't be impatient

What does today's theme mean? No matter what you do, don't rush to the results.For example, there are a lot of things that are getting better now two or three years ahead.Don't be impatient, continue step by step. 不要急 今天的主題是什麼意…