Easy way of life that has been heard in a near-death experience, returned to heaven and happy in the world

臨死体験で聞いてきた内容をお伝えします! I will tell you what I have heard from the guardian spirit in a near-death experience! 我将告诉你我在近乎死亡的经历中从守护精神中听到了什么!



人間関係の悩みが40位までに7つもランクイン 人間関係の悩みを解決する方法は? ポイント整理 人間関係の悩みが40位までに7つもランクイン 前回はお金の悩みでした。今回は人間関係の悩みについて守護霊に聞いていただけますか。 はい。人間関係の悩みには、…

小春日和のような人になる Become a person li ke "Koharu Biyori" 成为像”小春日和”那样的人

「あなたがいてくれてよかった」と言われる人を目指す Become a person like "Koharu Biyori" 成为像”小春日和”那样的人 小春日和のような人になる Become a person like "Koharu Biyori" What does today's theme mean? It's about being the kind of perso…

見栄を張るな Don't try to get the envy of others 不要试图让别人羡慕

ありのままでいい Don't try to get the envy of others 不要试图让别人羡慕 見栄を張るな Don't try to get the envy of others What does today's theme mean? No matter how you dress up, you will not change.Show your true self.It doesn't make any …

嫉妬するのではなく、どうすればいいのかを学べ Learn what to do, not jealousy 学习做什么,不要嫉妒

あこがれの人を研究する Learn what to do, not jealousy 学习做什么,不要嫉妒 嫉妬するのではなく、どうすればいいのかを学べ Learn what to do, not jealousy What does today's theme mean? When you see someone who has what you want, you get jealou…


前回 パート2-8↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 気の合う人と付き合おう 付き合うのは「気の合う人」だけでいい?! ポイント①:人付き合いは気の合う人とだけでいい 人と付き合うとは、相手を幸せにするということ ポイント②:人付き合いは「相手をいい気分にす…

You can't be happy if you blame people or the environment

What does today's theme mean? The cause of your unhappiness is not the fault of anyone or the environment.If you do not notice it, you cannot be happy.Happiness is like discovering.It is important to discover happiness from the environment…

Become a trusted person

What does today's theme mean? Become a person that everyone says, "That person can be trusted."To do so, don't fool yourself and treat people with sincerity. 成为可信赖的人 今天的主题是什么意思? 成为每个人都说“可以信任的人”的人。为此,请…

First, make yourself happy and make your family happy

What does today's theme mean? People are born to be happy.First, make yourself happy.It does not mean living on your own.People are happiest when they make others happy. 首先,让自己快乐,让家人快乐 今天的主题是什么意思? 人们天生就是快乐…

There is always someone who needs you

What does today's theme mean? If your work or life goes wrong, you may think "I am not needed by anyone."But there are always people who need you.You are the person who is needed by someone. 总有人需要你 今天的主题是什么意思? 如果您的工作…

A person who has more time to think about other people than himself is a happy person

What does today's theme mean? Are you just thinking about yourself?How can I be happy?How can I get rich?How can I get married?How can I be healthy?Such people are unhappy people.How to make everyone happy.How do everyone get wealthy?How c…

Do it until you are satisfied

What does today's theme mean? It is useless if you do not understand.Do it until you are satisfied, until you understand.Studying, working, talking, and so on. "Pretended that you understood that" is not for anyone. 直到满意为止 今天的主题…

Love is giving

What does today's theme mean? To love is toI want the other person to love me,I want the other person to make me happy,I want the other person to look only at me,It is not such a thing.It is a heart to rob.Love is praying for the happiness…

Greet with a bright, loud voice

What does today's theme mean? It is important to be kind to others.But don't you know how to be kind?Let's start by greeting with a bright, loud voice.To anyone.And say loudly to the store clerk, "Thank you."That will change your life. 迎…

With the idea of perverse person

What does today's theme mean? Say you don't need it when you want it, and say you want it when you don't.Humans don't want to give to those who say "want, want", but they want to give to humble people.The idea of reversal opens the way.Als…

Live conscious of what you were born for

What does today's theme mean? Humans are born to learn whether we can be happy in any environment.We are learning how to make others happy in any environment.The person you hate is the one you need to make happy, and you need to be happy i…

Find a way of life that suits you

What does today's theme mean? Everyone is different.There is a way of life that suits you.Trying to get a reputation from others or living a disproportionate way of life can cause suffering.To be honest with yourself and take your steps on…

Grow a better person than you

What does today's theme mean? If your subordinates and juniors are jealous of being better than yourself, the organization will not develop.An organization will evolve only if its subordinates and juniors are better than you.That is why yo…

Become a human needed by the world

What does today's theme mean? If you want to succeed, you need to be a useful person in the world.It is a person who does not bother others and can prioritize others over themselves. I just want them to help. That's why.Because a person is…

Love is the element that makes each other happy

What does today's theme mean? Many people say "I love you", but many people make their partners unhappy.Love is what makes a partner happy, not unhappy.You can tell if this is true love by looking at your partner's happiness.If you really …

Grow without discarding strong personalities Work with others to serve the world

What does today's theme mean? Individuality is criticized, but must grow without losing.On the other hand, it is also important to work with others to work for the world. 在不丢掉坚强个性的情况下成长与他人合作为世界服务 今天的主题是什么意…

Do what you are good at.

How can I fix the shortcomings? You don't have to fix it. okay? Because even if you do your best, it won't be fixed. That's right.No matter how hard i try, i am not good at calculating money, and i am not good at talking to people. What ar…

Easy way to attract good human relationships②~Make others feel good~

Who can you get along with? Umm.Fun person? I agree.You can't get along with someone who makes you feel bad every time you meet. Yes. Everybody wants to get along with "someone who makes me feel good".Therefore, in order to easily draw goo…

Easy way to attract good relationships①~Have relationships only with people who can get along without effort~

I think there are many people who have problems with human relationships. An easy way to attract good relationships is to “Have relationships only with people who can get along without effort”. Everyone is in trouble because they can't do …