Easy way of life that has been heard in a near-death experience, returned to heaven and happy in the world

臨死体験で聞いてきた内容をお伝えします! I will tell you what I have heard from the guardian spirit in a near-death experience! 我将告诉你我在近乎死亡的经历中从守护精神中听到了什么!


2-4「健康になりたいなら必見! 病気の本当の理由!」

前回 パート2-3↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com 健康になりたいなら必見! 病気の本当の理由! 健康になりたいなら必見! 病気の本当の理由! 病気引き寄せ度チェック 病気引き寄せ度チェック結果 これが真実。病気になる3つの原因 病気の原因①~心の問題 ①逃れた…


前回 パート2-2↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com お金を妨げる心 お金を妨げる心 ポイント②:お金を妨げる心 実際にお金を引き寄せる方法 ポイント③:お金の本質に沿った使い方をすること お金の本質は、「感謝」「自立」「持続」「発展」でした。 お金の本質に反…

 There is a world after death

There is a world after death 死后有一个世界 死後の世界は存在する There is a world after death What does today's theme mean? When people die, everything isn't over.People have died, but souls remain, as people have said in the world since a…


前回 パート2-1↓ ahsakasa.hatenablog.com お金を稼ぐのは善! 何かにすがる心を捨ててお金を恐れないことが大切! お金を稼ぐのは善! 何かにすがる心を捨ててお金を恐れないことが大切! お金持ちの素質度チェック お金持ちの素質度チェック結果 お金の本…

Draw your ideal self concretely

理想の自分を具体的に描け Draw your ideal self concretely 具体地画出你的理想自我 理想の自分を具体的に描け Draw your ideal self concretely What does today's theme mean? Draw a concrete image of what you want to be.If you don't, you won't be …


今日のテーマはどういう意味ですか? 「誰も見ていないからいいや」と思わないこと。神様はいつも見てんねんで。その結果が天国と地獄を分けることになるんやで。 God is always watching What does today's theme mean? Don't think, "Nobody's looking at …

If you live bad, you will go to hell

What does today's theme mean? No matter how successful, if it doesn't please the people, you will unfortunately fall into hell. Why?If I am happy, will I be drawn to a happy world? That's right.Even if you succeed in doing wrong and preten…

Possibility disappears when we assume and decide

What does today's theme mean? If you decide "this is this kind of thing" or "this person is this kind of person", you lose other possibilities.It is important to accept the fact that people and the world are constantly changing, and to thi…

You can be yourself as you expected

What does today's theme mean? People often suppress their own abilities.But there is really no limit, and you can be yourself as you thought.Discard the belief that you are such a person.And believing, "I can be the person I want." 您可以…

You can't be happy if you blame people or the environment

What does today's theme mean? The cause of your unhappiness is not the fault of anyone or the environment.If you do not notice it, you cannot be happy.Happiness is like discovering.It is important to discover happiness from the environment…

Take a look from your ideal perspective

What does today's theme mean? When you complain, lose motivation, or are full of worries, it is important to change your perspective.What do you think of that happening if you are your ideal self?What would you do if you were your ideal se…

Change common sense

What does today's theme mean? First, the world was created by the Creator.And there is a world after death, and human beings are reborn many times.Every space is made up of the Law of Attraction, and every time is a chain of cause and effe…

Unfortunately, hell also exists

What does today's theme mean? "Hell" also exists in the afterlife.This is based on the law of attraction.Even if unfortunate people die, only unfortunate people gather together to form an unfortunate world.In order not to go to hell, you m…

Have time for silence and make silence a habit

What does today's theme mean? Happiness is as close to "silence" as possible.So, turn off your smartphone, TV, and PC and make it a habit to “silence”. 保持片刻的沉默,养成“沉默”的习惯 今天的主题是什么意思? 幸福和沉默尽可能接近。因此,请…

People are born to create happiness

What does today's theme mean? What are people born for?Why are there suffering and sorrow?In heaven, there is only happiness.People are born from the world of happiness.If you do nothing, sadness and suffering will occur in this world.We a…

After all, you can't achieve it unless you think "I'll do it absolutely"

What does today's theme mean? Goals are not easy to achieve.It is not something someone will accomplish on your behalf.You can't achieve it unless you think you'll do it. 毕竟,除非您认为“我会绝对做到”,否则您将无法实现。 今天的主题是什么…

You ask, "What should I do?" But rather, "What do you want to do?"

What does today's theme mean? God doesn't tell what you should do.The question is what you want to do.If it is in line with God's heart, we will go well. 您问:“我该怎么办?” 而是,“您想做什么?” 今天的主题是什么意思? 上帝不告诉你应该做什…

Sometimes, think about the world

What does today's theme mean? If you have a problem, you only think about the problem.Therefore, it is important to occasionally broaden your horizons and look at what is happening in the world.What can you do for the world?From there, you…

  Just keep going

What does today's theme mean? "Continuation is power."No matter how hard it is now, just continue to do what you believe is right.Please continue.The way is always open. 继续做 今天的主题是什么意思? “持续就是力量。”不管现在有多困难,只要…

Stop getting lost and return to the origin

What does today's theme mean? As you work hard with your goals, you may gradually lose track of what the effort was for.The effort itself, which should have been the means for the goal, becomes the goal.In that case, it is time to return t…

Live for something really important

What does today's theme mean? Life goes by in an instant.Everyone doesn't think so when they were young, but when they get older they will feel "in a moment."As long as you live in such a limited time, it is a waste of time to spend time o…

Time is not the same

What does today's theme mean? There is the word "hourly wage".But are there any differences in the work that can actually be done in one hour? I agree.It will be different for me and the teacher, and it will be different for professionals …

Heaven and hell are based on the law of attraction

What does today's theme mean? The postmortem world is 100% "rule of attraction".Happy souls attract each other to form a happy world, and unhappy souls gather to form an unhappy world.That is why it is of utmost importance to stay happy wh…

Give rather than ask

What does today's theme mean? People who are in trouble usually think, "I want somebody to help."However, even if you are in trouble, if you think "I will solve somebody's troubles," your troubles will disappear. 给予而不是接受 今天的主题…

Become a trusted person

What does today's theme mean? Become a person that everyone says, "That person can be trusted."To do so, don't fool yourself and treat people with sincerity. 成为可信赖的人 今天的主题是什么意思? 成为每个人都说“可以信任的人”的人。为此,请…

Heart to help someone

What does today's theme mean? A characteristic of unhappy people and those who can't get out of their worries is the feeling of "Please help me."Can anyone help me?God, please help!Won't the lottery win?These feelings make people unhappy.I…

The essence of man is the wave

What does today's theme mean? Humans always emit thoughts.This "thought" has a "wavelength".And the same "wavelength" thing is attracted.This "wave" is the essence of man. 人的本质是波浪 今天的主题是什么意思? 人类总是发出思想。这种“思想”…

Everything is an expression of your heart

What does today's theme mean? Everything in the world you see is an expression of your heart.The world looks beautiful to people with beautiful hearts.To the person whose heart is dirty, the world looks dirty. 一切都是内心的表达 今天的主题…

Every result has a cause

What does today's theme mean? There is no "accident" in this world, but there is always a "cause".The fact that you are present is not a coincidence, but a necessity.If you follow the cause, you will come to the cause that created the univ…

"How you feel" is the most important

What does today's theme mean? Humans have only hearts when they die.The world you atract to depends on what your heart is feeling.If you feel bad, you atract to the bad world, and if you feel good, you atract to the good world.It is import…